Zaccaria Pinball Reset Key \/\/FREE\\\\
PinUP Popper can work with pretty much any controller without any use of 3rd party apps like joy2key. (This is for front-end, some emulators like fx3 may need xb360ce installed for those outside of the frontend). Popper supports keyboard, DirectX or XInput type controllers. Note Setting buttons/keys in Popper has no affect on your emulators config, Popper will not change or configure emulators keys by design. You are still required to launch and configure all emulators like vpx,future pinball, fx3 and others within their own joy/key config/setup.
Zaccaria Pinball Reset Key
System class: STEAM Program EXE: [STEAM] Parameters: -applaunch 238260 Window Mode: Minimize Process name: PinballArcade.exe Table folder: [PinballY]\Farsight Table extension: .pinballArcade Startup Keys: [pace 250] [pause 25] [click] [pause 5] up up right right right right right [click] [pause 5] up up left left left left left right [click] [pause 10] up left left left left left [click] [pause 5] [pace 1000] down [gridpos down right] [click] [pause 3] [click]
Notes about those Table Folder and Extension settings: Pinball Arcade isn't like most of the other systems, in that it doesn't have "table files" analogous to Visual Pinball's .vpt/.vpx files. Its tables are more or less built in to the program. This means that PinballY's normal way of searching for playable table files won't work for this system. To make up for that, PinballY has its own folder that contains dummy files that list all of the Farsight tables. These files all have names like The Addams Family (Midway 1992).pinballArcade, so the Table folder and Table extension settings shown above will allow PinballY to find all of these files and thereby recognize the game names. The files are all empty; all of the information is contained in their names.
System class: Other Program EXE: [STEAMDIR]\SteamApps\common\PinballArcade\PinballArcade11.exe Parameters: Process name: Environment: SteamAppId=238260;SteamGameId=238260 Window Mode: Show Table folder: [PinballY]\Farsight Table extension: .pinballArcade Startup Keys: same as Pinball Arcade above
System class: Other Program EXE: C:\TPAFreeCamMod\TPAFreeCamMod.exe Parameters: Process name: PinballArcade11.exe (see note below) Environment: SteamAppId=238260;SteamGameId=238260 Window Mode: Show Table folder: [PinballY]\Farsight Table extension: .pinballArcade Startup Keys: same as Pinball Arcade above
If you're new to virtual pinball, it might seem puzzling and limiting that you have to specify a single folder here. But that's the long-standing convention that's more or less forced by the design of Visual Pinball and Future Pinball, so it's assumed by most of the rest of the pin cab ecosystem. It's not great for people who download a large number of tables and want to impose some kind of order on things, but you'll just make things unnecessary hard on yourself if you try to work around it.
The Run Before (1) and (2) boxes let you enter commands to run just before launching a game, each time a game using this system is launched. You can use these to do any preparation needed before this system starts up, such as modifying the monitor layout, resetting hardware devices, or starting background tasks that run concurrently with the game.
Why would you want to continue showing PinballY window graphics during game play? In most cases, you wouldn't, which is why the initial default settings (globally, per-system, and per-game) are all set to blank out PinballY's graphics during play. This reduces PinballY's memory and CPU usage while the game is running, giving more system resources to the game so that it can run faster and more smoothly. However, if you have a pin cab setup with multiple monitors, you might find that some games can't take advantage of all of your display area. For example, some commercial PC pinball games don't display anything at all in the DMD or backglass area, or can only display boring still graphics. In those cases, you might prefer to let PinballY continue to display its graphics in those areas during play.
Spelling L-O-V-E, either via the top rollovers or by hitting the litinlanes, advances the Bonus Multiplier. Possible values are 2X, 5X, and 10X.After 10X Bonus Multiplier has been lit, spelling L-O-V-E does nothing. TheBonus Multiplier is used in conjunction with the Special Bonus. During gameplay, lighting Special Bonus is done by hitting drop targets (Red, Blue, Yellowand Orange) and Pop Bumpers. Once Special Bonus is lit, hitting the lane underthe ramp scores 21,000 points (1000 for each drop target) multiplied by theBonus Multiplier. The Bonus Multiplier is then reset to 1X and the Special Bonusreturns to 0 (no lights lit).
The bonus scored at the end of the ball is similar to collecting the SpecialBonus during gameplay. The player receives 1000 points for each drop targetcollected toward Special Bonus, multiplied by the current Bonus Multiplier. TheBonus Multiplier is then reset to 1X for the next ball, but the collected droptargets remain collected.
Zaccaria uses a Signetics 2650 CPU. This IC is one of the very first generation of CPUs. Back then it was "very good" to have CPUs with many and versatile instruction sets. This unfortunately made CPUs very complicated. Later things have changed and it became better to use simpler ICs like RISC processors (Reduced Instruction set) which means less instructions but faster processors. As I always want to keep the test program as simple as possible, it should just indicate which major parts have a problem. The selftests on modern pinball machines are very nice, but they assume that the cpu works perfectly, or you won't be able to start it. So this introduction explain that a test program by my hand, will make use of simple things like a single LED as a " go / no go " indicator and most signals can be checked with a universal voltmeter, so everyone can use it. A more complicated test which uses the displays I'd never make as it requires the cpu to work, and if it does, it wouldn't be on the test-bench.
Zaccaria uses in these CPU boards the very old EPROMs type 2708. These EPROMs need no less than 3 different voltages 5,-5 and 12 volts. Still I was able to use a handy 2716 EPROM as the test EPROM. We connect 5 volts at pin 6 and pin 5 of CN7, and ground at pin 4 and pin2 of CN7. ( disconnect C4 during test) For the games using a 2708 in ROM1 as Futur World, Shooting the rapids and Wintersports., we have to undo one jumper J4 and place J3 in place... This is the reason the test EPROM should be used when the board is on the bench connected to a seperated 5 volt source . Never use the test EPROM when the CPU board is in the pinball!!
First check if you have the clock signals on pin 38 (1.5 volt). If not, go to the source of this clock, IC19. This chip makes the clock signal. Release in a way you like pin 10 of IC19 and check if the clock signal is there now on this pin 10. If yes the CPU chip is bad. If still nothing the IC19 itself is bad. If the clock signals are present then check power supply, 5 on pin 39, and 0 volt on pin 16. Try a manual reset to see that the 0 volt goes to 5 volt. You can make a manual reset by grounding pin 8 of CN9. Again there can be only two suspect: IC23 or IC41. With both signals present then the cpu should do something. Check if there are Address or Data bus signals present, if there are none then the CPU chip may be bad, if there are some then there is probably a short in an Address or Data bus or a connected IC.
1) A Zaccaria board will run badly or behave starnge , not allowing credits to register, blocking when a coin is introduced and so on if you do not re- introduce the complete settings from 6 to 26... So ALWAYS start by the settings of ALL the features , if the setting is what it should be when looking it up, change it anyway and reset it at the value you want, when you see 19 as setting that can be 519 as you see only the two last digits on the credit display!! . How to do it look at the operators handbook, you will find about all of them on the IPD or .com
4) Test the action of the reset button situated left on the cpu board. Use a ohm meter to see if it really works. When not working you cannot get into the features settings and again there you are , the machine will pass the "normal" tests , being display test, all lamp test, coil test and it is impossible to go to the settings options.( I call the push button on the cpu board the "reset" button, in reality it does not perform a reset, by causes a jump in the game program, leading to the part where the " settings " can be performed )
It is not exactly the same, you don't need scripts or changing the settings of zaccaria to launch "into a table". The reason they stop at the play screen is so that people can still choose gametypes / modes etc as they do not have parameters to select for example "lamphunter" or "90 sec" mode etc.But i understand what you mean, would have been nice if they supplied all those parameters
Here is the database with the game name's renamed to use what zaccaria itself expects Zaccaria.xmlI also have created an ini file for pinball fx3 launcher which you can use with zaccaria pinball options _Launcher_app/tree/master/other_games/Zaccaria Pinball
Thanks, been busy all night allready, also created the docklet images for the latest deluxe tables (it's in the other topic) and i just finished renaming all my media to use official zaccaria (this was a pain in the ass but luckily database manager helped reduce the sheer amount of renames needed). I will upload all my files to ftp in a new folder under my user using the offcial required names