Stealth Tools V2 0 By Gobo
AERIAL GOBOA gobo projected from a moving light or profile which is focussed into the air above the stage or audience, in order to add atmosphere and dimensional texture through smoke or haze in the venue.
stealth tools v2 0 by gobo
ATTRIBUTESThe controllable parameters of a colour-changing or moving light are known as the ATTRIBUTES.All moving lights will have PAN and TILT, with many having COLOUR wheels, GOBO selection, gobo rotation etc. as additional attributes.LEDs can operate in a number of modes, based on the number of colour sources they have, as well as whether certain parts of the beam can be separately controlled. A basic LED fixture might operate in 3 channel mode, with the 3 controllable parameters being RED, GREEN and BLUE. More complex fixtures might add AMBER and/or WHITE, and the latest LED fixtures may have LIME as well.
EFFECTS, LIGHTINGPhysical Effects:Animation Disc: A slotted or perforated metal disc which rotates in front of a lantern to provide 'movement' in the light. Most effective when used in front of a profile carrying a gobo.Effect Disc: A painted glass disc rotating in front of an effects projector with an objective lens to focus the image (eg Flames, Rain, Snow).Flicker Flame: Irregularly slotted rotating metal disc through which light is shone onto a prism-type piece of glass which scatters the beam of light and adds the 'dancing' effect of firelight to a scene.Gobo Rotator: Motorised device inserted into the gate of a profile lantern that can be remotely controlled to rotate a gobo, usually with variable speed and direction.KK Wheel: Slotted metal disc which rotates in front of a lantern to break up the light and provide movement. (Flicker Wheel)Lightning: Created through the use of strobe sources or LED floods. Photoflood lamps were used in the past, but have a very short life, and aren't as bright as the other options.Tubular Wave Ripple: Horizontal linear lamp around which a slotted cylinder is rotated providing a rising light (as reflected from water onto the side of a ship).Programmed Effects:Most modern lighting desks (and some very old ones) have the ability to add 'movement' to lighting states by changing the lighting states in various ways. These effects can be set up to run at the press of a button, or can start or stop when a particular cue is run. Chase: A number of different 'steps' are added which are then repeated until the chase is stopped. Flicker: Particular channels are set to randomly move between levels, with adjustable timings and other parameters.See also: PyrotechnicsLighting EffectsFog, Smoke & Haze On Stage
FIRE EXTINGUISHEREssential tools of the pyrotechnician's trade ! In the UK, they used to be colour-coded according to content (Carbon Dioxide (Black), Water (Red), Foam (Cream), Halon Gas (Green) Powder (Blue)) but now, they're all red with a small label saying what they are. Another great leap forward !.
GATE1) The point of focus in a profile spot where the shutters are positioned and where an iris or gobo can be inserted.2) A single base section of a folding rostrum system.3) See NOISE GATE.
GOBOA thin metal plate etched to produce a design which can then be projected by a profile spotlight. There are hundreds of gobo designs available - common examples are breakup (foliage), windows and scenic (neon signs, city scapes etc.). The image can be used soft focus to add texture, rather than a defined image. A number of composite gobos in different coloured lanterns can, with careful focusing, produce a coloured image (e.g. a stained glass window). Greater detail can be achieved using a glass gobo, which consists of a thin layer of aluminium etched onto glass.Origin of the term 'gobo'There are a few possible origins for the word GOBO but nothing definitive yet.Although it's tempting to believe it's an acronym or abbreviation for 'Graphical Optical BlackOut' or 'Goes Before Objective lens' this is not true, as the term is also used in connection with sound recording (a microphone gobo blocks sound from adjacent sources) and also in the film industry, where it's a piece of equipment to block light from the lens or an area. .It could be short for Go-Between, as the gobo goes between the lamp and the lens.Material from 1967 uses the word 'MASK', and no mention is made of 'GOBO', so we can assume the word wasn't in widespread use then for stage lighting. In the US TV/Film industry, a Gobo is a piece of material used to mask or block light, placed in front of a lantern (also known as a SHADOW MASK) and a Cookie (short for Cucaloris(from the Greek kukaloris: the breaking up of light)) is the same as a UK Gobo. PATTERN and TEMPLATE can also refer to a gobo in some areas.In the film industry, the word gobo can be used as a verb (e.g. 'We need to gobo off that light so the camera doesn't see it').Gobos are available in a wide range of sizes, for use in different profile lanterns and other projectors (e.g. moving lights). A size - 100mm outside diameter / 75mm image diameterB size - 86mm / 64.5mmD size - 53mm outside diameterM size - 66mm / 48mmE size - 37.5mm / 28mmMoving lights use a range of different gobo sizes, so check the manufacturers website. Lighting Effects
GOBO HOLDERA metal plate designed to hold a gobo of a particular size in a lantern of a particular type. Different size gobos need different gobo holders, and different lanterns have specific size gates, into which the gobo holder is inserted.Glass gobos require a special type of gobo holder, which holds the gobo securely, but also allows it to expand with heat. The gate is between the lamp and the lenses, at the midpoint of the lantern, and is part of a profile lantern. A gobo can't be used in a fresnel or flood.
GOING DARKWarning to people on stage that the lights are about to be switched off. Normally said during lighting plotting sessions or technical rehearsals. Obviously should not be done if there is any risky work on stage, or if anyone is up a ladder / using power tools / working on platforms / rehearsing choreography etc.
KK WHEELA type of animation disk which fits into the colour runners at the front of a lantern which rotates and breaks up the light beam to make it appear to be moving. Best used on a profile lantern containing a gobo. A KK Wheel is known in the US as LOBSTERSCOPE.
MOVING LIGHTRemotely controllable "intelligent" lighting instrument. Each instrument is capable of a massive variety of effects which are operated live via a moving light control desk, or can be pre-programmed by a standard memory lighting desk. The instruments require a power supply and a data cable (normally carrying DMX512 signal from the control desk).There are broadly two types:1) Moving Head: A luminaire is mounted on a moving yoke which can pan side to side and can tilt the luminaire through a range.2) Moving Mirror: A stationary luminaire directs light onto a motorized mirror.Both types have in common:- A discharge (non-dimmable) light source or dimmable LED source (rare variants use a tungsten source, but most new moving lights are now LED-based)- A dimming shutter (for discharge light sources)- Motorized rotating colour wheels. Some offer colour mixing using graduated red, green and blue wheels or prisms.- Profile versions have motorized gobo wheels with rotation.- Strobing effects and adjustable iris. Some also have framing shutters.The term "intelligent" is used as the instrument has a processor chip and electronics built into it, not because it's able to interpret the designer's artistic intent! It can be incredibly frustrating trying to get moving lights to behave exactly as required in a dramatic situation. Musicals and live music performances are more forgiving.Moving Head lanterns are sometimes known as NODDING BUCKETS, Moving Mirrors are sometimes known as WIGGLIES or SCANNERS.
PROFILE1) A type of lantern with at least one plano-convex lens which projects the outline of any chosen shape placed in its gate, sometimes with a variable degree of hardness/softness. Profiles include four beam-shaping metal shutters, a gate to take an iris or gobo and an adjustment to make the beam smooth and even ('flat') or hot in the centre ('peaky'). See Bifocal Spot, Zoom Profile.2) Shaped piece of scenery added to the edge of a flat instead of a straight edge. Also known as a cutout.3) Blocking notation for an actor that is facing directly offstage. Right Profile is facing off stage right, Left Profile is facing off stage left. Types of LanternBlocking Notation
SPOT1) To reduce the beam size of a fresnel or pc lantern by moving the lamp further from the lens. (e.g. 'Could you spot that down a touch, please?'). See also FLOOD.2) A profile spotlight (e.g. 'The third spot we need for the show is on the piano DSL')3) A moving light that can project gobos and/or a beam with hard-focussed edges. (see also WASH)Types of lantern
TAB DRESSING1) Lighting focused onto the house tabs at the front of the stage to set a theatrical atmosphere before the show starts. May also involve a gobo with the show or company logo. Also known as TAB WARMERS.2) Dressing the Tabs (or Dressing the Curtains) is the process of going along the curtain track and evening out the folds in the curtains so they are tidy and regular.
TAB WARMERSLighting focused onto the house tabs at the front of the stage to set a theatrical atmosphere before the show starts. May also involve a gobo with the show or company logo. Also known as TAB DRESSING.